Drop-in Pro-GUIDE4 STEEL Tune Kit fitting
460 sliding cylinder air rifle
Approx. Performance: High Output (HO)
High-Output full power up to 23ft/lbs
1200+fps(.17cal)365 m/s CP7.9g
840fps(.22cal) 255 m/s 13g (tin pellet)
1100ps(22 cal) 320m/s 9.56g (tin pellet) 23FT/LB
825fps (22 cal) 252m/s 14.5g (Lead pellet) 21ft/lbs
Product Code: PG4sD48825128-29Hth
(PG4s) ProGuide4-STEEL drop-in Kit
High Yield valve wire open-end power spring
Quad 4X guide with Helical Seat
Lubrication for damping of metal, plastic and seals
(Highly Recommend Vortek Moly-filled ProSEAL28) optional
For Consideration when tuning power:
It is the owner's responsibility to ensure the legality of their air gun power output.
Vortek’s Location of testing is 578 Feet.Above.Sea.Level. (F.A.S.L)
For every 1000ft above or below will be approximately .029 difference in velocity, thus foot-pound (Ft/lb, Joules) of shooting energy.
1000 F.A.S.L.x .029 = 29fps approx.
Joules= .7475=ft/lb.
Works with all trigger arrangements