Collection: PG4-DELRIN The Quite Tune Kit

Patented (4) Damping Guide Tune Kit (2) Liener (2) Helical
Exact Centering Precision Tuned Quiet-Glide Piston movement

The manufactured DELRIN Body of the new PRO-GUIDE4 Tune kit provides a very smooth gliding-guide arrangement while dampening out noise. With this type of retainment guide, as movement is in process its flexing beam abutment stays with components smoothly deadening spring firing noise.

The Inner guide arrangements are machined slip-fitted into spring plus+ an helical gripping guide to the spring internal guide (not all). As well also the 4th guide "top-Hat" has the exact spring fitting pitch allowing spring a thread-like firm tighter fit upon firing.

 The spring with open coils allows use of all coils for more accurate output across product line. Further, the DIY tuner has option of cutting spring for finer tuning. The new PG4-DELRIN Guides have a near fit to its power spring arrangement providing a smoother, quieter operation in movement. 

Further, these kits come complete assembled and are EZ to install damping out shot noise while increasing overall Performance of your air gun. 

International check-out orders must be shown in US Denomination ($) on order